Using a mobile device to keep up to date? Test these 4 (Medical) Journal Apps now!
The CMB finished a test & trial period for testing & comparing 4 different so-called Journal Apps for you!
We bough the license for BrowZine and will keep supporting the 3 medical journals apps!
Check out this LIBGUIDES page to find out more about them.
BrowZine is now available for all UMCG & University of Groningen staff with full text access to all journals available.
We are now lending out our 8 iPads to medical staff of the UMCG.
Follow this wiki to keep track of developments. All details are noted in the Background info
If you are interested in lending one of our iPads, please fill in the form: email register

This is a working "document" wiki for the Project" iPads on loan" : a project of the CMB UMCG.
- Oktober 2010 (buy of the iPads),
- November - December: determining workflow, buying Apps, exploring
- December - Januari: setting up the wiki, gathering info on medical Apps
- Februari 2011: first users walking around with the ipads :-)
- March 2011: we bought 2 extra iPads to be loaned. About 70 people are on the loan-list
- April 1st: 2 extra iPad2's for exploration
The Plan: By lending out iPads set-up with workflow, communication, educational and clinical tools we want to create an larger awareness among staff and students of our hospital on the possibilities of the iPad. As a library we want to learn from our users what they really like and need. We want to start with having 3 iPads ready for loan within a few months. We plan to follow the good work of the ZB Med Münster and Oliver Obst, but will adapt their project setup for our local situation in Groningen
Skype: digicmb

Comments (1)
Digicmb said
at 8:14 pm on Oct 21, 2010
Hmm, editing this pbwiki is not supported inside the ipads Safari browser -:(
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